My Blind Spot Founder Albert J. Rizzi shares the events that nearly left him dead in 2005, but instead, took his sight and expanded his vision for all things possible. He describes how the technologies and tools that he used every day as a sighted person became disabled to him in the blink of an eye and how his life’s work is to remove the literal and virtual walls that prevent people of all abilities from achieving authentic inclusion in our social culture and corporate networks. In January 2006, Albert Rizzi opened his eyes to a world gone dark. The fungal meningitis that sent him into an opioid-induced coma robbed him of his sight, but not his vision.
Immediately, Rizzi threw himself into learning to navigate the world as a person who just happened to be blind, bringing a sense of adventure to his endeavors. In 2009, he founded My Blind Spot, a New York City-based nonprofit dedicated to inspiring accessibility for all!