Watch TEDxMidAtlantic Talks
Select an event below to browse through the TEDxMidAtlantic Talk Archive, or use the search in the menu above to locate a specific speaker’s talk.

Peter Pomerantsev: How to fight (and win) an information war

Jim Sciutto: Our 1939 moment: Will we fight for the free world again?

Jennifer Golbeck: Why AI progress seems “stuck”

Mykolai Sierga: How Ukraine’s Cultural Forces use the arts to fight off Russia

Holly Dagres: How Iran’s Gen Z imagines a better, different future

Elijah Cummings: Wake Up America — We Are Better Than This!

Graham Allison: Can history teach us how to avoid war between the US and China?

Chuck Marohn: What makes for a “strong town”?

Mitch Zeller: The past, present and future of nicotine addiction

Carmen Medina: How to be an “organizational heretic”

David Carroll: Democracy Under Attack: One Man’s Journey to Get His Data Back

Maya R. Cummings: Why We Need an Inclusion Revolution

Albert Rizzi: Vision Beyond Sight: One Man’s Story of Overcoming Tragedy

Antonio Tahhan: What Syrian Cuisine Can Teach Us About Humanity

Adrian Bejan: Why does time move more quickly as we age?

Melanie Nezer: The fundamental right to seek asylum

Albert-László Barabási: The real relationship between your age and your chance of success

Sam Schwartz: Should we design for self-driving cars — or for people?

Adam Davies: The Hidden Stories Inside our Public Infrastructure

Ava Pipitone: How one community is stopping homelessness before it happens

John Prisco: Can We Make Encryption That’s “Unbreakable?”

Wellsley Brown: The One True Solution to Plastic Pollution

Kyle Yearwood: Finding your voice through art, online

Abigail Spanberger: How to Bridge Our Divisions? Start by Asking Questions

Khadijah Tribble: Why marijuana matters, and how we can end the war on drugs

David Rothkopf: Has the Washington establishment failed the world?

Jerome Adams: How resilient communities can create a healthier country

Dwan Reece: Understanding the history of ‘blackface’ — and why it’s so harmful

Anne Marie Lennon: A New Way to Detect More Cancers Earlier

Emma Belcher: 3 questions we should ask about nuclear weapons

Allison Archambault: Moving to “Electric Everything” is possible — here’s how

Janet Noh: A kaleidoscopic journey, from finance to music

Sticks+Bars: Youth Marimba Ensemble

Jeff Speck: How History, Architecture and Design Collide in One (Amazing) House

Werner Reich: How the magic of kindness helped me survive the Holocaust

Blair Glencorse: Why we need to catch people doing the RIGHT thing

Maya Ajmera: Why access to scientific information in schools is essential

Lauran Hardin: Why understanding chronic illness improves community health

Tim Kaine: Democracy gives us all superpowers – but only if we use them

Mindy Fullilove: How we start envisioning a future where all of us live as equals

Jackie Savitz: Transparency Can Save the Oceans

FK Day: The Power of Bicycles

Rachel Wurzman: Disconnected Brains: How isolation fuels opioid addiction

Paul Shapiro: What Will Future Generations Think of Our Treatment of Animals?

Randi Gloss: A #hashtag isn’t enough

Susan Shaw: Science, Lies, and Politics

Hasini Jayatilaka: How cancer cells communicate — and how we can slow them down

Travis Rieder: The agony of opioid withdrawal — and what doctors should tell patients about it

Andy Suzuki & The Method: Fight

Destiny Watford: How a student helped her community stop a polluting incinerator

Chris Ullman: What can we each do to heal our divided society?

Molly Joyce: Going beyond ability

Amanda Rivkin: Active Resistance: How we can defend against foreign interference

Jordan Randall Smith: “Catalyst” by Ben Goldberg – World Premiere

Erricka Bridgeford: We have the power to stop violence in our communities

Dale Beran: Where the alt-right came from

Leanne Pittsford: How Lesbians Are Solving Tech’s Diversity Problem

Monty Hoffman: How to innovate our cities by designing for community

Walter Woods: We must stay connected to our growing elder population

Hans Taparia: The Past, Present and Future of Food

Stephanie Hill: The Superpowers of STEM

Shawn Martinbrough: How one ‘Black Panther’ comic artist is changing perceptions

Topeka K. Sam: Prison is no place for women and girls

Lyn Slater: How I became an accidental fashion icon at 64

Bart Paulhamus: Our Future with Intelligent Systems (It’s Better than You Think)

David and Sarah Trustman: Making memory more memorable

Hakan Lidbo: We need to practice imagination just like athletes

Carla Dirlikov Canales: How singing can make the world a better place

Julien Xuereb: Music: A vehicle for imagination

Gulrez Shah Azhar: The world is heating up. Here’s what we can do to adapt

Bernard Olayo: Saving lives one breath at a time

John Werner: How Augmented Reality Can Give Us Superpowers

Richard Lui: Hard work, long hours, no pay: 40 million have this job

Desirée Venn Frederic: I’m a criminal because of where I was born

Adnan Virk: Forgiveness in the face of discrimination

Dahlia Aguilar: The power of language to unite – or divide – us

Jay Newton-Small: How storytelling can improve Alzheimer’s and dementia care

Dushaw Hockett: We all have implicit biases. So what can we do about it?

Donald Stevenson: I was given a number before I was given a name

Irene Magafan: What Bonobos can teach humans about being human

Nat Kendall-Taylor: How words change minds: The science of storytelling

Amanda Gookin: Forward Music Project: Activism Through Music

Martin O’Malley: A New Way of Governing

Ann Mei Chang: Ending Global Poverty: Let’s think like Silicon Valley

Bob Woodward: What I learned investigating Nixon, and why it matters now

Jean Case: Unlocking the American Dream

Michael Botticelli: Addiction is a disease. We should treat it like one

Christine Fox: The ethical dilemma we face on AI and autonomous tech

Ellen Lupton: Museums should activate multiple senses, not just the eyeball

Alec Ross: Will the future be more like Star Trek or Mad Max?

Julie Ann Crommett: How a TV show could help us solve our most pressing problems

Lester Spence: How the ‘free market’ has devastated black communities

Nina Fedoroff: A secret weapon against Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases

Judith Heumann: Our fight for disability rights and why we’re not done yet

Ronald Sullivan: Justice is a decision

John Noonan: Why politics make us mean and stupid

Laura Dowling: How flowers became a powerful tool for diplomacy

Haley Edwards: What global trade deals are really about (hint: it’s not trade)

Amr Hamzawy: The failed struggle for democracy in the Arab world, and what’s next

Sarah Shanley Hope: Powering our lives at 100%

Mark Foster Gage: Architecture that Challenges your Concept of Reality

Ari Wallach: 3 ways to plan for the (very) long term

Stefaan Verhulst: Data responsibility: using corporate data to improve our lives

Adrienne Clancy: Teaching academic concepts through dance

Jeffrey Kahn: New technology is letting us edit humanity, but should we?

Leonard Tramiel: The story of Commodore and the 8-bit generation

Anna Rothschild: Why we should talk about gross stuff

David Fleischer: How We Can Reduce Prejudice with a Conversation

Iris Krasnow: How Embracing the Ordinary Leads to Longterm Love

Gabe Klein: Cars Almost Killed Our Cities, But Here’s How We Can Bring Them Back

Ed Mabaya: The power of improved seed

Kate Wagner: What’s a McMansion — and how can we prevent more of them?

Melanie Nezer: The real facts of the refugee crisis, and what we can do

Kathleen Hall Jamieson: The decline of American politics, and how to fix it

Evan Lutz: How ugly produce can help solve hunger

Dan Bell: Inside America’s dead shopping malls

Carolyn Yarina: The simple tool that could transform surgery around the world

Carla Dirlikov Canales: Introducing the Canales Project

Mathew Ramsey: What is a burger?

Naeemah Clark: Why we need more stories of aging women on TV and in movies

Sebastian Johnson: The Case for Basic Income

Knatokie Ford: Defeating the inner imposter that keeps us from being successful

Jay Newton-Small: What happens when women rule the world?

Sheryl Winarick: Talking to each other is the only way to heal our divided nation

John Phillips: Can a stock market for politics predict the outcome of elections?

Tariq Al Sabir: Redefining the rules of music by asking ‘Why not?’

Judah Adashi: The Beauty of the Protest

Jessica Garand: Music from Carnegie Hall’s Lullaby Project

Strother Gaines: One Word Storyteller

Neera Tanden: Lack of paid leave is holding women back from leadership roles

Brigid Schulte: How to work, love and play when no one has time

Lisa Maria Mallory: Don’t only blame men: What women can do to fight inequality

Sarah McBride: Gender assigned to us at birth should not dictate who we are

Teresa Y. Hodge: We have made coming home from prison entirely too hard

Heather Foster: It’s time we change our perceptions of strong leaders

Elizabeth Acevedo: I use my poetry to confront the violence against women

Loide: In time, we will all come out okay

Lawrence Lessig: Our democracy no longer represents the people. Here’s how we fix it

Wendell Pierce: A storm, a play, and the city that would not be broken

Cynthia Schneider: Extremists get why culture matters. Why don’t we?

Senator Mark Warner: How the government can work for – not against – companies like Uber

Alex Winter: The Dark Net isn’t what you think. It’s actually key to our privacy

Dr. Leana Wen: The one medication that will save 25,000 lives each year

Kathy Crosby: The FDA’s new role overseeing a deadly product: tobacco

Katie Bechtold: How we flew a spacecraft 3 billion miles to Pluto

Avi Rubin: The risk of connectivity: Hacking our watches, fridges, guns and more

Shirley Malcom: There is no ‘math gene’: We must develop diverse talent

Carla Dirlikov: Searching for Duende

Aaron Silverman: How I built the number one new restaurant in America

Thea Kano + Gay Men’s Chorus of DC: Singing a message of equality in Cuba

City of the Sun: Paco

Jim Knight: Rise of the global teacher

Vivian Graubard: The President’s ‘Geek Squad’ that actually works for you

Blair Glencorse: Fighting corruption by ‘naming and faming’ with Integrity Idol

Behnaz Babazadeh: The Edible Burqa: Challenging stereotypes with candy

Shawn Domagal-Goldman: How NASA is answering the question: Are we alone?

Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick: Are you confused about health information? You’re not alone

Adarsh Desai: Future of global development is supporting local solutions

Adriana Beltran: How we brought down the Guatemala president, and why it matters

Dr. James Bernstein: A new portable sterilizer that will change surgery in the field

Kavita Shukla: When women doubt themselves, we all lose

Bill LeoGrande: How the U.S. secretly negotiated with Cuba for decades

Sheldon Scott: Using performance art to explore the inhumanity we experience

Jay Newton-Small: We’re at a feminine tipping point

ElsaMarie D’Silva: How mapping harassment is creating safer communities across India

Palak Shah: How the on-demand economy affects workers

Elise Roy: We can build better solutions by designing for those with disabilities

Christopher Mondini: Is the US Giving Up Control of the Internet?

Lemond ‘Imag’ Brown: Our education system is failing our kids. Music can be a solution

Monica Palacio: It’s time to give DC an equal right to vote

Makayla Gilliam-Price: We are targets until proven human

Nina Martin: Fifty Shades of Science

Daniella Carter: The real pain and tragedy faced by transgender youth

Jonas Singer: As the world gets bigger, we must buy local – and make local scale

Barbara Amaya: I was human trafficked for 10 years. We can do more to stop it

Dr. Samuel A Sheku Kargbo: How we solved the Ebola epidemic by first understanding culture

Jessica Ladd: Using tech to create a world where rape is rare and inexcusable

Carl Safina: What animals are thinking and feeling, and why it should matter

Kristjan Kuurme: A peek into our digital future: Estonia’s e-Residency program

Lt. Colonel Melvin Russell: We police have become great protectors, but forgot how to serve

Dayvon Love: Fixing police brutality requires building power in local communities

José Andrés: We can save millions of lives simply by changing the way people cook

Gen. Stanley McChrystal: The illusion of being connected

Rep. Jim McGovern: We can end hunger in America now, all we need is the political will

Shiza Shahid: There are no Superheroes, Just Us: My Journey with Malala

Seth Goldman: How entrepreneurs can change society – the story of Honest Tea

Gbenga Akinnagbe: ‘Stop and frisk’ is a numbers game that must end

Sam Berns: My philosophy for a happy life

Akec Khoc Aciew: Birth of a nation: The story of South Sudan

Jon Jarvis: How climate change is already impacting our National Parks

Leigh Gallagher: The suburbs are dying, so let’s create a new American Dream

Susan Shaw: Reckless Endangerment: The Gulf Oil Spill Revisited

Paul Reed Smith: Building the perfect guitar

Isobel Coleman: How women are transforming the Middle East

Mickey Edwards: How to turn Democrats and Republicans into Americans

Liz Ogbu: Why I’m an architect that designs for social impact, not buildings

Michel Nischan: We need to stop thinking of food as fuel

Pierce Freelon: When art and activism make LOVE — a global beat revolution

Rachael Chong: The moment that shook my belief in giving

Mason Peck: NASA’s new grand challenge- Find the asteroids that threaten humanity

Lale Labuko: Fighting tribal practices to save the lives of children in Ethiopia

Jeff Speck: The general theory of walkability

Monique Sternin: To solve hard challenges, we must look for the positive deviants

JJ Rendon: The new face of dictatorship, and how we can stop it

Claire Fraser: Are we too clean? How changing a body’s microbes leads to illness

Austin Troy: If we want our cities to survive, they must be more energy efficient

Alexis Casson: Creating media to take back the narrative from big corporations

Andy Shallal: Bridging race and culture — the story of Busboys & Poets

Jimmy Lin: Solving the mystery of rare diseases with technology and crowdfunding

Jennifer Golbeck: The curly fry conundrum: Why social media “likes” say more than you might think

Henry Evans & Chad Jenkins: Meet the robots for humanity

Derek Braun: Tracing the roots of deafness to a gene that maybe prevented disease

Chris Ullman: Whistling for the President

Karen Rennich: Our bee populations are dying out, and here’s why we should care

Juan Llanos: Digital currencies like bitcoin are coming (and it’s a good thing)

Michael Smith: It’s time to invest in non-profits with impact

Gerard Ryle: How we took down corrupt figures using leaked financial documents

Ben Miller: The real estate deal that could change the future of everything

Carrie Irvin: The key to great schools is great boards

Lisa Guernsey:

Matthew Green: Why the NSA is breaking our encryption — and why we should care

Laurenellen McCann: The future of our cities and towns lies in… Open Data

Anwar Dafa-Alla: How TEDx is bringing change to Sudan amidst political crackdown

City of the Sun: Underground

City of the Sun: Te Lo Dije

City of the Sun: Summerchild

Jen Oxley: Math isn’t just for boys: Changing the gender narrative with animation

Jackie Savitz: Saving the oceans can feed the world

Bayeté Ross Smith: Breaking down stereotypes using art and media

Misra Walker: Building a community of artist activists

Cameron Russell: Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.

Colin Powell: Our Youth Must Be Ready to Lead

Jose Antonio Vargas: Actions are illegal, never people

Charity Tillemann-Dick: Discourses from the Undead

Adrian Bejan: How a single principle of physics governs nature and society

Jack Andraka: Inventing a Low-Cost Test for Cancer at Age 15

Theo Colborn: Letter to the president about chemicals disrupting our bodies

Alec Ross: What I Learned in 1,298 Days Working Under Hillary Clinton

Antrim Caskey: The Human and Environmental Costs of our Hunger for Coal

Barbara Van Dahlen: On Being Fearless

Erica Saben: Balancing on a Thin Wire

LTG Mark Hertling: Obesity is a National Security Issue

Amy Webb: How I gamed online data to meet my match

Cameron Russell: Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.

Billy Shore: Hungry children in our own backyard

David Rubenstein: Give Something Back

Frances Hesselbein: Fearless Leadership

Gautam Gulati: We Need to Cultivate Health Artists

Jaison Morgan: Creating Innovation with Prizes

Jason Seiken: Making PBS Cool Once Again

Jordan Evans: How We Landed a Car on Mars

Marci Harris: People and Technology Can Beat the Lobbyists

Darell Hammond: Let Our Kids Play

Jules Polonetsky: Finding a Balance Between Privacy and Progress

Mario Livio: The Case for Curiosity

Sage Salvo: Understanding Literature through Hip Hop

Alessandro Acquisti: Privacy is an Illusion

Jonathan Haidt: The asteroids club – common threats can lead to compromise

Paula Kahumbu: Development Doesn’t Need to Destroy Wildlife

Freeman Hrabowski: We Must Change the Culture of Science and Teaching

Joseph Kvedar: Delivering Healthcare on an iPhone

Maria Bello: hy We Must Empower Women Around the World

Brian Conley: Citizen Journalism is Reshaping the World

Silvia Barcellos: The Marshmallow Test and Why We Want Instant Gratification

Katie Monroe + Exoneree: Spending Decades Wrongfully Imprisoned

Jim Shelton: Where’s the R&D for better schools?

Loretta Claiborne: Let’s Talk About Intellectual Disabilities

Geoff Tracy: The mindset of a future entrepreneur

Jessica Ladd: Creating an STD-free generation

Kakenya Ntaiya: My journey to start a school for girls in Kenya

Anna Lee: Looking to Montessori to Guide Education Reform

Classical Revolution: Taking Classical Music to the Streets

José Andrés: Creativity in cooking can solve our biggest challenges

Vint Cerf: Interplanetary Internet

Reggie Watts: What Does it Mean When Technology Fails?

The Wire Conversation

Avi Rubin: All Your Devices Can Be Hacked

Jane Rigby: Putting Telescopes into Space

Arun Majumdar: This is the Future of Energy

Luis von Ahn: Translating the Web Into Every Language

Ping Chong: All Islands Connect Underwater

Paula Apsell: Using Television to Teach Science

Bob Corrigan: Building the Encyclopedia of Life

Stowe Boyd: An Architecture for Cooperation

Rebecca Renard: The Truth About ‘Using’ Teens

Duncan Watts: The Myth of Common Sense

Dante Chinni: Our Patchwork Nation

Eldar Shafir: Living Under Scarcity

Jay Parkinson: Rethinking Healthcare

Danielle Brian: Unifying a Divided Country

Jon Maurer: The Harpejji

Erica Frenkel: Demonstrating the Universal Anesthesia Machine

Phil Salesses: Hot or Not for Cities

Jon Lowenstein: Photographing Chicago’s South Side

Steve Case

Diana Laufenberg: How to learn? From mistakes

Esther Dyson

Ted Leonsis

Paula Kerger

Sandra Postel

Matt Mountain

Saras Sarasvathy

Yash Gupta


Francis Béland

David Gallo

Susan Shaw: Six Months After Oil Spill, Where Are We?

Jackie Savitz

Charles Limb: Your brain on improv

Adam Pruden

Time for Three

Dickson Despommier

Nina Fefferman

Albert Yu-Min Lin

Tim McDonald

Storm Cunningham

Christoph Gielen

Roshini Thinakaran

Cesar Harada

Otis Rolley

Bill James

Sam Shelton

Aneesh Chopra: Re-engineering healthcare for the future

Scott Simon: The power of storytelling

Peter Agre: The human side of a life in science

Sonja Sohn: The real Wire

John Forté

Tyler Cowen: Be suspicious of stories

Joel Salatin

Karen Kasmauski: Illustrating the unillustratable

Naomi Natale: Installing humanity

Will Noel: Uncovering the Archimedes Palimpsest

Tony Geraci: What’s for lunch?

Rebecca Hoffberger: The power of museums

Roland Griffiths: The healing power of psychedelics

Aris Melissaratos

Bob Duggan

Marcus Ranum: Internet nails

Ico Bukvic: Aural art

Mark Walsh: The internet is broken