2012: Be Fearless
When we stop worrying about what might go wrong, we discover what is truly possible. We celebrate the stories of the people who weren’t afraid to fail, who overcame the odds, and persisted when the outlook was bleak. Two full days, filled with stories, songs, and lessons learned — and the inspiration of those who have demonstrated what is possible when we set aside our fears, act boldly and urgently, and learn from our mistakes.

Colin Powell: Our Youth Must Be Ready to Lead

Jose Antonio Vargas: Actions are illegal, never people

Charity Tillemann-Dick: Discourses from the Undead

Adrian Bejan: How a single principle of physics governs nature and society

Jack Andraka: Inventing a Low-Cost Test for Cancer at Age 15

Theo Colborn: Letter to the president about chemicals disrupting our bodies

Alec Ross: What I Learned in 1,298 Days Working Under Hillary Clinton

Antrim Caskey: The Human and Environmental Costs of our Hunger for Coal

Barbara Van Dahlen: On Being Fearless

Erica Saben: Balancing on a Thin Wire

LTG Mark Hertling: Obesity is a National Security Issue

Amy Webb: How I gamed online data to meet my match

Cameron Russell: Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.

Billy Shore: Hungry children in our own backyard

David Rubenstein: Give Something Back

Frances Hesselbein: Fearless Leadership

Gautam Gulati: We Need to Cultivate Health Artists

Jaison Morgan: Creating Innovation with Prizes

Jason Seiken: Making PBS Cool Once Again

Jordan Evans: How We Landed a Car on Mars

Marci Harris: People and Technology Can Beat the Lobbyists

Darell Hammond: Let Our Kids Play

Jules Polonetsky: Finding a Balance Between Privacy and Progress

Mario Livio: The Case for Curiosity

Sage Salvo: Understanding Literature through Hip Hop

Alessandro Acquisti: Privacy is an Illusion

Jonathan Haidt: The asteroids club – common threats can lead to compromise

Paula Kahumbu: Development Doesn’t Need to Destroy Wildlife

Freeman Hrabowski: We Must Change the Culture of Science and Teaching

Joseph Kvedar: Delivering Healthcare on an iPhone

Maria Bello: hy We Must Empower Women Around the World

Brian Conley: Citizen Journalism is Reshaping the World

Silvia Barcellos: The Marshmallow Test and Why We Want Instant Gratification

Katie Monroe + Exoneree: Spending Decades Wrongfully Imprisoned

Jim Shelton: Where’s the R&D for better schools?

Loretta Claiborne: Let’s Talk About Intellectual Disabilities

Geoff Tracy: The mindset of a future entrepreneur

Jessica Ladd: Creating an STD-free generation

Kakenya Ntaiya: My journey to start a school for girls in Kenya

Anna Lee: Looking to Montessori to Guide Education Reform